The Google Maps Javascript API v3 does not contain any XML parsing. But you can parse XML with javascript and display the results on a Google Maps Javascript API v3 map.
Your code currently parses XML of this format:
<Deal Latitude="38.989869999999996" Longitude="-110.13261" Deal_ID="201090531" Price="9.50" />
function from geoxml3 that returns the text content of an element (like <lat>
//nodeValue: Extract the text value of a DOM node, with leading and trailing whitespace trimmedgeoXML3.nodeValue = function(node, defVal) { var retStr=""; if (!node) { return (typeof defVal === 'undefined' || defVal === null) ? '' : defVal; } if(node.nodeType==3||node.nodeType==4||node.nodeType==2){ retStr+=node.nodeValue; }else if(node.nodeType==1||node.nodeType==9||node.nodeType==11){ for(var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length;++i){ retStr+=arguments.callee(node.childNodes[i]); } } return retStr;};
relevant discussion from the Google Maps Javascript API v2 group (but v3 doesn't have the GXml functionality).